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Welcome to 170-175 High Street West Collaborative Lab - Sunderland!

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This Collaborative Heritage Lab focuses on bringing three currently highly dilapidated buildings back into use. These are terraced buildings on High Street West (170-175) Sunderland. They were originally built as houses in late 1700’s, with their ground floors converted to retail/office very early on. 🏘️The three buildings are owned Freehold by the TWBPT. The project is located in Sunderland’s Heritage Action Zone and is a key project within this. Once restored, the buildings are expected to be a positive addition to the street and help the revitalisation of the area.The main aim of this CHL is to get the three buildings on High Street West (170-175) in Sunderland (UK) back into long term economically sustainable socio-cultural use. Specifically for the next two years we aim to re-open the complete ground floor of all 3 buildings so they can be used for a mixture of permanent and temporary cultural uses.

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